Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome to my world!

It's a new year and I'm beginning a new blog.  I first want to say "Welcome to my Studio".  Everyone is invited in to see what's on the easel, or the drawing board, or the painting table, or even in the sketchbook.  I've not yet taken the photos of my artwork to post yet.  I would like to tweek them and then copyright them first...you professional artists know what I'm talking about... my designs are mine and I don't want them stolen from me. 

This is my last week of break between classes, so Monday I will be back in school.  I'm not taking any art classes this semester, just English and History.  I hope I enjoy them.  I will be taking them online this semester so that I can also concentrate on getting my studio in order and finding some time to create in between classes, homework, cooking, laundry, housework, and job hunting.